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Hyderabad, India, May 22, 2021 – Valagro, a leading company in the production and commercialization of Biostimulants and other specialty nutrients, has been selected for a prestigious award by India’s National Biodiversity Authority for the groundbreaking advances obtained by the Group's Indian subsidiary, Valagro Biosciences Private Limited, in the field of sustainable access to Biological Resources.
The award has been announced on May 22nd, during the Celebration of International Day for Biological Diversity 2021, in a ceremony presided by the Hon'ble Union Minister of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Shri. Prakash Javadekar.
This prestigious award, allocated for the category “Replicable Mechanisms for Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS)”, witnesses the commitment of Valagro Biosciences Pvt. Ltd. towards a fair and sustainable use of biological resources. Specifically, after having accessed Phosphate Solubilising Bacteria from the soils of Telangana region, the Group's Indian subsidiary ensured that the paid royalties were distributed to the villages from where the biological resources were accessed.
The India Biodiversity Awards is a joint initiative by the Indian Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, the National Biodiversity Authority and the United Nations Development Programme, whose aim is to identify and recognize the efforts of individuals, communities and institutions working towards biodiversity conservation, sustainable use of biological resources, access and benefit sharing and biodiversity governance.
The news of the recognition was greeted with great satisfaction by Sanjay Kumar Tokala, Country Manager at Valagro Biosciences Pvt. Ltd.:
“We are honored to see our daily commitment and our passion acknowledged by such a prestigious award. Great attention is paid to the obtainment and management of resources, but still few efforts are devoted to making those sustainable for people and the environment. By routing fair share through NBA to the villages where we accessed the resources, we, in our own small way, have contributed and helped them develop and protect other biological resources in turn. We are proud to be ambassadors of Valagro’s mission worldwide, and to contributing with our everyday work to the creation of a sustainable future for people and the environment”.