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The Socio-Environmental Report

The Socio-Environmental Report confirms an essential tool for the strengthening of the connection with the territory and dialogue with those who collaborate with Valagro. The group places sustainability at the core of its philosophy, carrying out all strategic decisions according to it: the belief is that only the creation of value for stakeholders, combined with full respect of the environment, can guarantee solid and lasting development.

The Report becomes a look at future goals and an update on adopted strategies and achieved results for the benefit of the company, the land and the community: respect for the environment and the community, development of eco-friendly technologies, energy efficiency and use of resources, high levels of security, commitment to the welfare and professional development of employees.

Valagro for green

In this sixth edition of the Social and Environmental Report, Valagro decided to focus on the online world. This will entail the launch of a dedicated website taking advantage of the full potential of digital communications – such as animations and infographics – to illustrate Valagro's main 2013-2016 data in the areas of business growth, HR development, innovative R&D investments, attention to customers, and value production and distribution.

Alongside the innovative website, Valagro's Social and Environmental Report is also optimising paper use through a summary leaflet highlighting some of the main results presented in the Report.

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