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Special liquid product designed for citrus fruits and ornamental such as oranges, lemons, mandarins, clementines, kumquats, grapefruit.


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Special liquid product designed for citrus fruit and ornamentals such as oranges, lemons, mandarins, clementines, kumquats, grapefruits, etc..
Thanks to its special formulation, the product is a blossoming enhancer as it brings particular substances to encourage the formation and the full maturation of more fruits, it fights the drop of fruits, as it brings a specific mix of chelated micro elements, which are made available to the plant even in the most difficult terrains and that reduce and / or eliminate the early drop of fruitlets, is a greening due to the high content of iron, which together with manganese and zinc, promotes photosynthesis and then soaking the leaves, while also avoiding the leaf dieback.