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We carried out an integrated “omics & field-trials” approach to characterize the physiological effect of YieldOn using different model plants (Arabidopsis thaliana, maize and soybean).
More than 65% of the composition on a dry base, is characterized by a selection of extracts from three distinct families of plants and seaweeds enriched with trace elements Mn, Zn and Mo.
Added value for Grower
+pt-prod Tons/ha
Aumento valor produção
: 1
USD returned per each USD invested
GliMO® is a mixture of fully chelated micronutrients combined with a Geapowered bio-nutritional, GEA075, to overcome the damaging effects of Deficient Nutrient Toxicity (or root zone toxicity) caused by chemical residues in crop soils that can result in yield loss.